Northern Leopard Frog
Rana pipiens
State Listing: Special Concern
Note Brown Coloration
Note Green Coloration
Size: A medium sized frog measuring 2 to 3 inches in length.
Color: The dorsum is green to brown in color with irregularly
distributed brown circles surrounded by bright halos
of green or white. The venter is pure white. Can be
distinguished from the pickerel frog by its circular, not
square, brown markings and its white thighs and groin.
Behavior: When encountered leopard frogs may freeze in place
crouching low to the ground relying on their cryptic
coloration to conceal their presence against the
background vegetation. If concealment does not work
they are quick to flee often in a rapid zigzagging pattern.
Habitat: Leopard frogs occur in open habitats often associated
with the floodplains of large river systems. A few
populations occur along lake edges.