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Dekay's Brownsnake
Storeria dekayi dekayi

DeKay's Brownsnake

DeKay's Brownsnake

DeKay's Brownsnake

Light Dorsal Line

Dekay's Brownsnake Venter

Dekay's Brownsnake Keels
Size: A small sized snake measuring 9.5 to 15 inches in
Color: Dark brown to tan dorsum with a lighter line down the
center etched by darker scales. The venter is cream to
light gray in color. Keeled scales.
Behavior: When handled they emit an unpleasant smelling musk,
very docile, does not bite. Occasionally they will flatten
out their bodies to appear larger to predators.
Habitat: Occur in a variety of habitats, commonly encountered in
urban and suburban areas.
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