Four-toed Salamander
Hemidactylium scutatum

Commonly Confused Native Species:
Often Not Confused with other Species
Size: A small sized salamander measuring 1.7 to 3.3 inches
in length, with four toes on each hind foot and a tail that
is noticeably constricted at the base and cylindrical in
Color: The dorsum is rusty brown in color. The venter is pure
white with small black spots or blotches. This is the only
Connecticut salamander with black spots or blotches on
its venter.
Behavior: Coils with its head safely tucked below its tail when
threatened. Occasionally will produce noxious
secretions. Often remains still, relying on its camouflage
for protection.
Habitat: Wetlands and associate uplands, especially red maple
wetlands with sphagnum moss.