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Eastern Ribbonsnake   

Thamnophis sauritus sauritus

State Listing: Special Concern

Commonly Confused Native Species:




Size:                  A medium sized snake measuring 20 to 32 inches in



Color:                Brown to blackish dorsum with three bright longitudinal

                           lines. The venter is variable in color from yellow to

                           reddish brown. The bottom jaw is colored brightly white.

                           The ribbon snake can be distinguished from the garter

                           snake by its two lateral stripes that are confined to the

                           third and fourth dorsal scale row and its overall slender

                           size.  Keeled scales.             


Behavior:         Once detected they rapidly flee. When handled they emit

                           an unpleasant smelling musk and occasionally bite.

                           Non-venomous, bite is harmless.


Habitat:             Favor aquatic habitats, especially wet meadows and

                           forested wetlands.           


Created and Maintained by Dennis P. Quinn

© 2020 Connecticut Herpetology

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