Eastern Milk Snake
Lampropeltis triangulum triangulum

Note the brown coloration of this adult.

Note the red coloration of this juvenile.

Commonly Confused Native Species:
Size: A medium sized snake measuring 18.5 to 40 inches in
Color: Banding pattern of yellow, white, or tan typically outlined
in black on a variable reddish-brown background. The
venter has a distinguished black and white checkered
pattern. The top of the head has a distinct "Y" shaped
marking sometimes appearing as a "V". Juveniles tend to
be more reddish in color than adults who appear more
Behavior: Will vibrate tail rapidly in leaves to mimic the sound of a
rattlesnakes rattle, a behavior seen in many CT snakes.
When handled they emit an unpleasant smelling musk
and occasionally bite. Non-venomous, bite is harmless.
Habitat: Occurs in a variety of habitats including wooded, rocky
and field habitats. Common in and around farmlands.