American Bullfrog
Rana catesbeiana

Note the absence a dorsal fold.

Note the yellow chin of this male

Size: A large frog measuring 3 to 6 inches in length.
Color: The dorsum is green in color with light brown blotching.
The venter is white with gray blotching. It can be
distinguished from the green frog by its lack of dorsal
folds or ridges. Adult males differ from females with
their yellow throats and tympanums which are twice as
large as their eyes. In females the throat coloration
remains white and the tympanum is similar in size to
the eye.
Behavior: When encountered they quickly retreat to the water
where they seek cover in vegetation or under mud,
remaining concealed until the threat has passed. When
handled they may vocalize to express alarm and
Habitat: Common throughout the state in more permanent water
bodies. Bullfrogs are ravenous predators on other
amphibians causing local declines where bullfrog
population levels are high.